A TEA party will be held at Kay Cowell's home on Friday, July 22, at 3pm.

At the May meeting, president Daphne Thompson reported on the group meeting, hosted by Blakedown, when Mike Jackson, from television's Antiques Roadshow gave a talk.

Linda Sprosen reported on a talk by Paul Cook at Astley, on "The Road to Chelsea", about his preparations and experiences at Chelsea Flower Show.

Margaret Wilson attended WI meetings while staying on the Isle of Man.

The resolutions were presented by Beryl Evans and Linda Sprosen, discussed, and passed unanimously.

There was a "bring and buy" stall.

An outing to Halfpenny Green has been organised on Tuesday, June 21, when members will meet at Mrs Thompson's home at 6.30pm.

The next meeting at St Cecilia's will be on Tuesday, July 12 when Mrs Noble will talk about "Kings and Queens".

There will be a competition to make a garter.

New members are always welcome.