Pearl Prior, our president, opened our afternoon meeting on May 11, when she extended a warm welcome to visitors, members and Christine Hickman-Smith, our WI adviser.

In matters arising, we were told Wendy Beddows had been co-opted onto the committee. Mention was made about a party of our members who attended a medieval banquet on St George's Day at the invitation of Studley WI. All those present thoroughly enjoyed the evening's food wine and song! In addition, there was also an outing to Chatsworth, where the gardens were absolutely beautiful. We were also told the fashion show, which was supported by members from other WI's, was a resounding success - a pleasant evening had by all. Early in May, seven of our members attended the bluebell walk hosted by Cofton Hackett WI, which again was most enjoyable. We were also told about the monthly ramble, as well as a craft afternoon organised for May18.

Pearl drew our attention to a forthcoming coffee morning, incorporating a bring and buy sale, at the home of one of our members on June 10 at 10.30am.

The Save our Streets campaign was mentioned, with a view to members completing their forms regarding the cluttered streets in their area.

Finally, four birthdays were announced, after which Dorothy Radford, our secretary, spoke about items of interest in the County News, including the Christmas card competition and the Yorkshire Tea promotion.

The second half of the meeting, however, was devoted to the two resolutions: "Care of the environment" and "Farmgate milk prices". Later in the year, our delegate will attend the AGM to be held at the Albert Hall, in an effort to lobby the government on these two important resolutions.

And finally, Pearl announced the winners of the monthly competition - an arresting bookmark. Ruth Mason came first, followed by Janet Longden second and Beattie Denning took third place. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 8 at 2.15pm.