AN offer of a playing field to Malvern's leading youth football was formally withdrawn last night.

Malvern Hills District Council's executive committee voted unanimously to rescind the offer of land at Sling Lane to Newtown Sports Junior FC.

The decision overruled the committee's own resolution last July to offer the club a 25-year lease on the land.

Residents living near the field were worried about the impact of the club, and sent in 152 letters of objection. At last night's meeting, John Denham, representing the residents, said the main objection was that if the lease was allowed, control of the field would pass from the council to an unaccountable private body.

The committee withdrew the offer for the 2005/6 season and resolved to hold discussions as early as possible about the future management of the land.

These discussions are set to include residents, local councillors and the football club.

It also said proposals for the 2006/7 season should be looked at in January next year.

Coun Clive Smith, portfolio holder for community well-being, made another proposal, which was also accepted, to establish a Malvern Football Forum, which will look at the question of playing field provision across the town.

He said this should include the district, town and parish councils, plus every football club in the town and residents' groups.

Coun Smith said: "We made a mistake this time and we've all learned from it. Football in Malvern should be looked at in the round."