A Leigh Sinton couple were left with a pile of raw sewage at the end of their drive after a storm drain repeatedly flooded.

Katie Smith and Nick Taylor, of Hereford Road, woke on Bank Holiday Monday to find human excrement and sanitary towels floating in the road.

Ms Smith said the problem had been going on for more than a year.

"Every time we have a bit of rain, we get sewage coming up into the road, then cars go through it and it's taken through into the village and splashed up our drive.

"People walk through it on the pavement, not knowing what it is."

She and her partner have two young children and are desperate to stop it happening again.

"The highways department came out this week and flushed the drain, which seems to have solved the problem for now, but it's left a big pile of sewage at the end of my drive.

"I would like it cleared away and I want the problem solved so it doesn't happen again. It's not fair that nobody is aware of the problem, sewage has reached the village shop before and is being trodden around the village. There will obviously be germs in there, it's horrible."

Highways Partnership maintenance manager Nils Wilkes said: "We are taking action to resolve the issue, we've got Environmental Health involved and are trying to trace the source of the foul sewage."

He said officials had gathered information at the site yesterday (Thursday) and remaining sewage would be cleared.