THE April meeting attracted many new members and guests to hear Norma and Tony Wheeler talk about geraniums and pelargoniums.

They have a nursery near Rugby where they raise a huge collection of fuchsias and pelargoniums from cuttings.

Norma explained how to take cuttings and produce excellent quality plants for showing and general garden display.

The slides that illustrated her talk showed a good selection of varieties from miniatures and dwarfs to stellar, angel and scented foliage pelargoniums.

They travel to many shows during the summer, often winning medals for their displays.

Tomorrow, the speaker will be Arthur Phillips, a grower of fuchsias for the show bench.

Bookings are still being taken for the coach trip to Powys Castle on Sunday, June 5.

Membership and other inquiries to the club secretary on 01789 765105. Guests are welcome at meetings, with a small charge of £2 with refreshments included.