MALVERN Town's clash with second in the Midland Alliance table Chasetown ended all square when the two sides met at Langland Stadium on Saturday.


Scoring chances were few and far between as both sides gave very little away, with defences on top throughout.

Chasetown were first to attack and Paul Wyatt in the home goal saved well from Craig Harris in the 7th minute. Wyatt distinguished himself superbly well three minutes later when he dived full-length to palm away a fine volley from Dave Egan.

Town started to get into their stride after this and their approach work up to the final third was workmanlike, but they unable to break down a well-organised defence, marshalled by Kevin Thomas.

The second period followed the same pattern of the first, although Malvern were having the lion's share of the ball.

The best move of the match almost broke the deadlock when Chalmers, Phil Preedy and Craig Williams combined superbly well to play Richard Tomkins in but his final effort flashed across the goal just wide of the post, with Simon Bryan in the Chasetown goal a spectator.

Play tightened up after this and few chances were created by either side. Malvern blamed the whistle-happy official for not allowing the game to develop and stopping both sides from getting into any kind of rhythm.

Tomorrow (Saturday), Malvern Town play their final league game of the season when they entertain Romulus at Langland Stadium, kick-off 3pm.