THERE was a change to the scheduled April programme, as Jamie Bailey, of Bailey's Bistro, was unable to give his talk on "A Chef's Life" due to a family bereavement.

Daphne Knight stepped in at the last minute, and entertained members with monologues, wearing a suitable hat for each one.

Then Mrs Knight led armchair exercises, consisting of stretching arm movements to music.

The August outing was discussed, and it is hoped to organised a trip to the seaside.

Rhyl, Llandudno and Minehead were all suggested as possible destinations, with the most interest shown for Minehead.

Stella Wilcox won the competition for a folded dinner napkin, and also came first in "flower of the month", with Barbara Smith and Norma Bratt second and third respectively.

A craft evening will be held next month, when members will demonstrate their skills.

This will be held on May 11 at Cleobury Mortimer parish hall, starting at 7.30pm.