
Over the last 18 months, I have met many residents in Franche and Habberley & Blakebrook, through our regular canvassing and ward surgeries. I have had the opportunity to discuss the issues face to face and understand what really matters to residents.

Invariably, these concerns are over the high levels of Council Tax, education and young people, the state of our highways, crime and anti-social behaviour and telephone masts.

As a governor of Franche Middle School, I am aware that the recent schools review will have impacts on pupils, teachers and parents in the coming years. I believe that effort needs to be focussed on enhancing the standards of our children's education.

The Conservative Party in Wyre Forest is making a positive difference to people's lives . I want to work on your behalf to ensure that this continues.

Nigel Knowles


Residents of St Barnabas need a strong voice at County Hall. I will get things done. I will get more buses or argue against paying the bus company subsidy.

I will always oppose phone mast applications and always put the Green Belt and environment first, to protect Puxton Marsh, Franche, Ferndale, Habberley and Marlpool Gardens.

I have been successful in getting many road safety and Safe Route to School facilities, including pedestrian crossings in Mill Street and Habberley Lane.

I helped lead the campaign to Save St Barnabas School against closure.

The Conservatives' education review is a shambles. We need Academy Status for Baxter College which Conservatives rejected.

I know how to make county council work for the people of St Barnabas. I was chairman of the county council, its planning committee and its fire service committee. I voted to throw out the Kidderminster incinerator.

I previously represented the St Barnabas area for 12 years.


Health Concern

Mike, in four years as a county councillor, has served on the education and resources scrutiny panels and also been an active member of planning.

He was a lead member of the Independent Health Concern-driven "call in" of the unpopular Tory education review, plus the referral of the Alexander Patterson closure to the independent adjudicator, believing both to be unjust.

He is widely regarded as the main instigator in changing plans to close Hartlebury Museum - leading to improvement and expansion of facilities - now regarded as a fine example of how councils should be scrutinised and influenced.

A long-term supporter of Dr Richard Taylor, he fiercely defends people's democratic rights, whether in council, or, in matters brought to him by individuals.

A vote for Mike Shellie is a vote for a local man with local interests and common sense, who is not controlled by national party politics.