A VALE youth club that has been running for more than forty years has been forced to close because of lack of interest.

The club, part of St Peter's Church in Bengeworth, was built in 1964 and over the years has provided activities for generations of young people.

But in the last three years the number of organisations regularly using the building has dwindled to just two.

The Rev Barry Collins, speaking about the lack of use, said: "This clearly has serious financial implications for the maintenance of what is now an ageing wooden building, and for which most of the overheads do not reduce along with the number of users.

"At its April meeting the Parochial Church Council reluctantly, but unavoidably, took the decision to close St Peter's Youth Club at the end of the summer term on July 22.

"The sadness at this decision is mixed with a huge amount of gratitude for, and pride in, what the youth club and those who managed it so unstintingly, have been able to contribute."

Throughout its existence the club has been managed by members of the church congregation, providing a venue for a variety of groups and activities.

Mr Collins conceded that youth clubs in general are not as popular as they were in the 1960s and 1970s.

He added: "The youth club was a much-loved and well used venue in an age when church youth clubs and coffee bars, and all that they got up to, were extremely popular.

"These were places where you made friends, learned the first tentative arts of courtship, and generally began to spread your young adult wings."

Organisers of the church magazine are looking for former youth club members to share their memories in a future addition. Contributions should be sent to Mr Collins at The Vicarage, 1 Broadway Road.