BEFORE lunch at Kings Court Hotel on April 13, members were asked to stand for a minute's silence in memory of Barbara Robinson, a member who had passed away suddenly.

Joan Woodfield spoke about the outing on May 18 to the Botanical Gardens and more members signed up for this.

Speaker Glenis Dyer, accompanied by her husband Eric, gave a talk and slide show on Clematis in My Garden.

Glenis lives in Welford-upon-Avon, has two daughters and a son, and this will be the 19th year her garden has been opened for the National Garden Scheme.

Before retiring, she lectured on IT.

She showed slides of various species of clematis, with some very lovely ones of her own garden and how they were planted to grow through the trees and bushes, which were very colourful.

At the end of the show, raffle prizes of five clematis provided by Glenis were won by lucky members.

Jackie Wolfe gave the vote of thanks.

The next lunch will be on Wednesday, May 11, when Ann Nicholas will speak about millinery.