PRESIDENT Delice Bayliss welcomed members to the April meeting.

The minutes were read and approved.

In March, Molly Jones, Sheila Baskerfield, Margaret Humphries and Gill Blackband had taken part in a quiz for Greenfingers.

It had been an enjoyable evening and ''The Roses of England'' had performed well.

Miriam Tilt reported that yet again the Dabble Day had been a great success.

Members have been busy enjoying invitations from several WIs who will be part of the new group.

Four members went to the Saltway group meeting and Jenny Cox said the speaker, the company and the food were wonderful.

Jenny Simpson reported six members had visited Bentley Pauncefoot. The speaker talked about the Jewellery Quarter and this was again followed by an excellent supper and entertainment by the members.

Last but not least, four members went to Crabbs Cross for the last group meeting of the Redditch group.

Nonny James from BBC Hereford & Worcester entertained with songs, stories and her guitar.

Rosemary Roberts had attended the annual council meeting at Malvern. She said this would be Suzanne Owen's last appearance as county chairman.

The speakers, Mike George, Nick Owen and Chris Jaeger, had all be excellent.

Details for more outings were discussed - a theatre visit to No. 8 to see Pods in June, a spring outing to Spetchley Gardens with supper, to which 20 members were going.

The August outing to the lavender fields would now take place in July as harvesting begins at the start of August and a garden party at Jenny Simpson's would be held in August instead.

Miriam reported the walking group had met and completed the first miles towards the Stepping Out target.

The next walk is tomorrow.

Rosemary Roberts went through the two resolutions and these were both approved by members.

Teas were then served by Jenny Simpson, Betty Curthoys and Jackie Giles.

The competition, a painted egg, was won by Margaret Humphries, with Betty Curthoys second, while Judy Smith won the raffle.