AT the April meeting, members welcomed the return of Trevor Anthill to continue his journey along the Monarch's Way, which follows the escape route of Charles II after the final battle of the Civil War at Worcester in 1651.

Trevor is a walking enthusiast with an interest in history and over a period of seven years, he created a way-marked footpath following this route, as closely as modern development would allow.

On this occasion, he described how the king made his way from Stratford to the south coast at Charmouth in Devon. This part of the journey was less dangerous because of a sparser population and the belief of Cromwell's men that he had gone north.

The 6ft 2ins tall king was disguised as a manservant who was escorting his pregnant mistress to relatives in Somerset.

The route followed the Fosseway over the Cotswolds, through Bristol to Abbotsleigh. No ship was available to sail secretly from Bristol so the journey continued over the Mendips and through Somerset to the coast at Charmouth.

However, the expected ship never came and he was forced to flee east to Sussex, a journey that forms the third section of the footpath.

Trevor described many of the interesting features to be seen along the route, interspersed with information about the historic escape.

The next meeting is on Thursday, May 12, at 7.30pm at Feckenham Village Hall when Graham Downie will talk on The Fairground Calendar. All are welcome.

On Saturday, June 18, there is a coach trip to Cardiff at a cost of £13 for which there are a few remaining spaces. More details from Margaret Thrower on 527150.