MEMBERS were welcomed to the March meeting by president Brenda Dainty.

Netta Pearson gave a report on the annual council meeting held in Malvern the previous day.

Ed Shore's talk, illustrated with colourful slides, was about an epic nine-month journey he and his wife made overland to India by car and caravan.

They crossed Europe to Iran and Pakistan, finally reaching India via wild and often dangerous roads and terrain.

Amid fascinating sights along the way they had a few breakdowns, particularly in the Sind desert in Pakistan, but were impressed with the kindness and helpfulness of the local people who invariably came to their aid.

The car, a Ford Granada, survived the journey and is still in use 12 years later but the caravan was eventually a write-off.

The competition for something Indian was won by Joan Johnson with a carved sandalwood elephant.

Today's meeting will be members' afternoon.