AT the April meeting, it was agreed the lunch at the Ladybird Inn was enjoyed by all who attended. A report from the annual group council meeting at Malvern was read out. Four of our members had attended and Nick Owen of the BBC was the speaker. The local group meeting at Hanbury WI was also attended by four of our members.

An April meeting has been arranged for presidents and secretaries to discuss future grouping with Monica Carden, group co-ordinator. Member Catherine Davidson was delegated to attend the annual general meeting in London. A coffee morning has been arranged for May 12 at Betty Wolsey's house. There is to be a craft show in Bewdley on May 23 and items and produce for display should be passed to either Nancy Davis or Margaret Chance for entry.

Margaret Chance gave an account of her lace-making course at Denman College, presenting a display of examples made, together with an array of items to which lace can be applied. Demonstrations in producing lace-making samples were given and members were given the chance to have a go. Margaret was thanked for her interesting presentation, and was presented with a plant by Betty Wolsey.

A resolutions meeting is to be held at Betty Gibb's house on May 5. Joan Ellis from NFWI will discuss farm gate milk prices and also the care of the environment.