Our WI met on the afternoon of April 12. Brenda Jenkins began on a sad note by mentioning the death of one our longstanding members, Jayne Boyer, who joined Bromsgrove WI in 1942.

Birthday wishes and apologies were given out in the absence of our secretary, Brenda gave the report of the minutes of the last meeting, and also forthcoming events.

Reading the county news report, congratulations were given to Irene Adams for winning the Yorkshire Tea Competition. Millie Harris gave an account of the council meeting at Malvern. Marge Colyin told us about the group meeting Bromsgrove WI hosted in March.

Betty Pickering gave the financial report, afterwards telling members about going with Joyce Karle to deliver Easter eggs donated annually to Chadsgrove School by Bromsgrove WI. The report about the group bowls session was given by June Cant.

Brenda introduced our speaker Mrs Tilt, who demonstrated three dimensional decoupage, explaining how the craft started in the 15th century. Jean, Eunice and Mille volunteered to try it, ending up with very creative pictures.

Joyce Karle gave the traditional vote of thanks. The competition of a homemade greetings card was won by Jean Jones. Brenda closed the meeting, inviting members to come on May 10 to the resolutions meeting at the masonic hall, at 2.15pm.