CAR parking charges for staff at the Alexandra Hospital will finally be introduced after months of negotiations.

Workers will now need to apply for an annual parking permit, ranging in price from £20 per year for those on the lowest incomes to £220 for the top earners.

However, there will be a series of concessions for car sharers, occasional users, motorcyclists, students and hospital residents.

It is hoped the controversial charges, which resulted in months of negotiations with union representatives, will help relieve congestion on the gridlocked car park.

A Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust spokesman said: "It is no longer good enough to simply say 'build bigger car parks.'

"Planning restrictions, a lack of land and budgetary constraints make further significant expansion of the car parks at the Alexandra completely unfeasible.

"We believe the introduction of charges may encourage staff to consider alternative ways of getting to and from work."

As well as encouraging car sharing, the trust is also negotiating staff discounts on bus services and improving facilities for cyclists.