ABANDONED Tesco trolleys littering the streets of St Peter's could be a thing of the past, thanks to a new system that will prevent them leaving the store's grounds.

Later in the year, the wheels will be fitted with electromagnetic devices that cause the wheels to "lock up" when someone tries to push them out of the car park.

The manager of the St Peter's Drive store, Andy Sanderson, explained the new system to St Peter's Parish Council last night.

"The issue of the trolleys will be fixed, which is great news and will save us about £200 a trolley," he said.

The store would receive a new fleet of the trolleys, he said, adding that some customers were in the habit of wheeling shopping right up to their door, then abandoning the trolleys in the street.

Staff have to be sent out up to four times a week to retrieve them.

A spokesperson for Tesco said: "This system has proved very successful in other stores.

"It will help to keep the trolleys in the store and ready for customers when they need them."