PUBS and clubs in Worcestershire are being warned to apply for new alcohol licences or risk breaking the law.

New Government licensing laws stipulate anywhere that sells alcohol, provides public entertainment or late night refreshment has until Saturday, August 6 to apply to convert their existing licences to new-style local authority ones.

The stark warning comes from Malvern Hills District Council to managers of licensed premises in its area. It has only received three personal licence applications to date.

With almost 500 premises and 100 clubs to be licensed in the district, and potentially as many personal licences, it is only a fraction of what was anticipated on the "first appointed day" in February.

Worcester City

Equally, there is a similar picture with Worcester City Council, which has only received one application for a new personal licence and one for a premises licence. Wychavon District Council has reported a small number of applications.

But Worcester City Council's environmental health manager Martin Gillies said the Government had been slow in producing the necessary forms.

"There's been a slow uptake so far but we expect we'll receive 600 in due course," he added.

Anyone applying after August 6 will have to apply for a brand-new licence - which may be very different from the one they currently hold.

It will be illegal to trade without a new-style licence after November 2005

Applying for a new licence allows seven statutory authorities and residents or businesses to comment on proposals, with the risk of additional conditions being attached to combat crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety and child protection.