FIFTEEN houses could be built on the site of the former primary school in Cradley.

Five will be affordable units for local people. There will also be a play area for children.

Plans for the site, which includes additional church and county council-owned land behind the school, show the old school play area being retained and traditional-looking houses built of brick, stone and render with clay tiled roofs.

The old Victorian school, dating from 1856, will be demolished.

The homes will be a mix of two, three and four-bedroom properties, some with garages and all with parking spaces.

The three two-bedroom houses and two of the three-bedroom ones will be designated as affordable, under a special legal agreement attached to any planning permission.

The site is owned jointly by the Hereford Diocese, Herefordshire Council and the trustees of Cradley CE Primary School, who have submitted the plan to Herefordshire Council.

The site became vacant when the village's new £1.5 million primary school opened on a new site near Bury Fields last October.

David Creed-Newton, chairman of Cradley Parish Council, did not want to comment until the views of local people have been heard.

The plans will be available for people to see before the council's next planning meeting on Wednesday (March 30). Viewing will be from 6.30pm. The meeting begins at 7pm.