Before Malvern Hills District Council gives planning permission for North Site, there are a few things that need to be thought about very carefully.

I am talking about Malvern's infrastructure, the most important part of which is, in my opinion, our traffic systems. I think we all know that a few mini-roundabouts and traffic calming measures are not going to make a lot of difference.

Malvern's entire transport system needs a radical overhaul before any more major developments are considered, if our lives are not going to be made a misery by even more traffic.

The roads in Malvern are groaning under the existing load. They simply cannot take another 800 cars that will undoubtedly come with the North Site development.

I believe, therefore, it is imperative upon the council to look at every possible solution: see how other towns have dealt with it, see how other countries have solved the problem, "think the unthinkable" and come up with something really radical. Let me start the ball rolling.

Why not make Malvern a one-way town and narrow our roads to single lane with nice wide pavements upon which people can walk and cycle?

Or make it a pedestrian zone with a fleet of hopper buses so we can leave our cars at home when our journeys are local.

Alternatively, since our pavements have already been narrowed down in order to accommodate two-way traffic, consider whether we need pavements at all? Since we drive everywhere these days perhaps pavements are a luxury we can no longer afford. Nice wide roads would help the traffic flow - for a while.

Perhaps there could be a major investment in a decent local bus service that people would actually use.

Perhaps new small stations could be opened up all along the railway line and local trains run frequently throughout the day.

What if the North Site development were designed as a car-free zone?

And the money for this transformation? Well, since the MoD probably requisitioned the site in the first place and has now sold it, very likely for a tidy sum, and the money belongs to us tax-payers, perhaps the MoD can finance it rather then spend it on yet more useless Chinook helicopters.

Alison Pickford, Merick Road, Malvern.