NINE months ago, it was no longer a case of "must try harder" for Worcester's Elbury Mount.

The Brickfields school had been given several chances to pull its socks up after scathing reports on the quality of the education it was offering.

But in the end inspectors saw no option but to shut it down.

What a difference nine months makes.

Elbury Mount was reopened as Fairfield Community High School under the Fresh Start scheme and a new team of teachers set about restoring the community's confidence in it.

They have succeeded admirably.

The latest report by inspectors gives the school a glowing report that any pupil would be happy to take home to show his parents.

The "infectious enthusiasm" of staff and governors has turned a failed school into a successful one.

A school where attendance is up, educational standards are rising fast and pupils are happy and well-behaved.

Unsurprisingly, the school's headteacher, Alex Wall, is pleased as punch with the report.

"I am proud of the pupils and the support parents have given us," he says.

We heartily concur with those sentiments and would like to add our congratulations to Mr Wall and his committed staff.

A successful school is a partnership between many different groups.

There were some in Brickfields who were unsure about Fairfield, but they got behind it - and now we see the result.

To everyone involved: Well done.