PARISH COUNCIL: Fish and Anchor Bank: Work has now commenced on repairing this stretch of road.

Dog Waste Bins: Notification had been received from Wychavon District Council regarding the allocation of bins for 2005/06. Bins for North Littleton are to be requested.

Kanes Foods: It was reported the submitted planning application will be heard at the April meeting.

Bus Shelter (crossroads): Quotations are being obtained.

Road Signs: Acknowledgement had been received from Worcestershire County Council stating that there were budget constraints on replacing signs. These would be looked at in the new financial year.

Newsletter: The quarterly newsletter had been delivered.

Royal British Legion site: An acknowledgement had been received from Smith Wadley Homes stating that they would be pleased to name the new development Legion Court.

Playground Equipment: Brochures and costings are to be obtained with the possibility of new equipment being provided on the play area in Manor Road.