AT the March meeting, the president welcomed members and visitors. A very interesting demonstration of Thai cookery was given by Felicity Rukon. She began by giving all the members cold drinks of coconut milk and Thai nibbles. While preparing a dish of green Thai curry, Felicity explained the addition of a variety of spices and their uses and flavours. During the cooking process, members were entertained with anecdotes of her Maltese family. When the dish was ready, members were given small dishes of the curry to taste.

Felicity was thanked by the president and given a plant. During the business meeting prior to the demonstration, the president outlined the various activities planned during the following months, stressing that the WI was more than a one evening a month meeting but had a full programme of outings, visits to places of interest and a variety of activities.

The speaker for April will be Jackie Gregory of the ACWW.