D E Margrett is again exposing his reluctance to accept reasoned argument.

If our rubbish is merely "hygienic" packaging, how come it provides a diet for anything from rats to foxes?

As regards being "..... not the only moaner" it's a pity more of us don't moan about our money being poured down the drain on council disasters.

And as for his "..... if Tesco, Sainsbury and the rest had to pay for disposal of packaging they would simply pass the cost on", isn't that exactly what happens now, with us not only sorting their packaging waste, but having to pay landfill taxes for its disposal?

Shouldn't the actual polluter pay? If our stores had to accommodate hundreds or thousands of tonnes of their own packaging waste, and return it to their suppliers, wouldn't they very quickly find cost-effective alternatives?

How can those managing "recycling" be doing a competent job if they don't begin at the start of the process, with the businesses whose packaging makes up so much of our "household waste?"

If we were really interested in "recycling" wouldn't we be talking to the retail sector to ensure that the packaging mediums they used were "economically recyclable," so that we could minimise the amount of packaging that has to be dumped in landfill sites?

If Mr Margrett discarded his petulant prose for reasoned argument, it might dawn on him that the government rakes in millions of our money in landfill taxes.

