AT the Garden Club meeting on Wednesday, February 9, Peter Thompson will give a talk on the Landscapes and Flowers in the Alps.

Mr Thompson was a tutor at Bristol Polytechnic, teaching geology, geography and ecology, but his special interest is orchids.

The first meeting of the steering group for the Parish Plan process met on January 17 to agree the formation of working groups for the questionnaires, buildings and design statement, roads and transport, crime and safety and the priorities and time scale. More help will be needed with buildings, roads and crime and safety groups. Come and help!

The model-making group is progressing well with the contoured model of the parish which will be displayed at the real planning meeting in the hall on Saturday, February 26. This is a drop-in event from noon to 4pm when everyone in the parish can say what they want and where they want it. The minutes of the meeting will be on the board inside the hall. The next meeting is on February 7 at 7pm at The Old Mill House, Staplow. Enquiries to Fanny Underhill on (01531) 640745.

The Simultaneous Pairs Bridge event in the hall last Tuesday raised £265 for the Tsunami Appeal. It was well attended and the draw made £100 and a wonderful £45 was collected from the sale of home-made marmalade. This was a world-wide event with almost every major country taking part - from Thailand, India, Pakistan and Malaysia to Canada, USA and Australia - and including Wellington Heath! The final total will be published on the net when it has all been collected.