RECENT articles in the Advertiser/Messenger have prompted me to write.

Twelve months ago the people of Stoke Heath were co-opted into the parish of Stoke Prior. Since that time I have paid £15 Council Tax to the parish council and what have I received in return?

I'll tell you , one newsletter consisting of a sheet of A4 paper, surely the dearest piece of paper ever, and now a parish councillor is suggesting that they get paid .

This only goes to prove they have my money and have not used it in my area at all and now someone wants to dip their nose in the council gravy train and put my money in their pocket.

It only goes to prove some people are in it for what they can get and not for what they can give to the community as they would have you believe.

Not only this, but the local vicar of St Michael's is so awash with congregation members he can afford to dictate who he will and won't have as parishioners in 'his' church.


Stoke Heath
