SIXTH former, Rob Clarke, proved himself a persuasive talker by scooping first place in a Midlands-wide public speaking competition.

For Kidderminster's King Charles I High School it was the second year running one of its pupils had won the contest, organised by the Midland Arden region of Soroptimists.

Sixteen-year-old Rob, who is planning a career in the diplomatic service after university, was awarded £100 after beating six other finalists with his quality of argument, delivery and content of his speech titled "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Last year, he reached the finals of the English Speaking Union competition, along with two other pupils from his school, including Aaron Wright, the previous winner of the Soroptimists' competition.

English teacher, Jo Wilcox, said public speaking was encouraged at the school and she was delighted by their success.

The contest was hosted by the Kidderminster and District Soroptimists at the town's Rose Theatre.