I HAVE resisted the temptation to get involved in the education debate - save for my earlier letter guaranteeing that as MP for Wyre Forest I would work tirelessly to ensure the changes are as painless as possible. However I can no longer resist the temptation.

The education review was brought about as a result of failing standards, falling rolls, below average numbers of students staying on for A levels and the fact that Worcestershire is the second lowest-funded education authority in the country.

The review has been going on for two -and-a-half years and only now do a group of our local politicians decide that they want to stir up the debate, placing themselves in opposition to the county administration.

This is a battle that has been started to which there is no winner. No-one will ever gain a consensus view on two tier/three tier across the district. Whatever is decided - either way - will have a large number of dissenters.

And what is certain is that at least 13 schools will have to close - because the Labour Government has told Worcestershire to cut the 1,600 empty desks from Wyre Forest's schools.

But what is certain is that while there are no winners in this battle, there are sure to be losers. And the losers are none other than those people involved in education right now, be they students, parents or staff.

The next election, almost certainly in May, is expected to have an even lower turnout than in 2001.

I can see why. With politicians playing fast and loose with our children's future for their own political reasons, and not for the benefit of those pupils, I can now see why politicians are held in such low esteem.

Perhaps the Labour, Liberal and Health Concern county councillors will wake up and see that further delay and uncertainty will only result in more stress and misery for parents, staff and pupils.

If they are not going to put forward hard proposals themselves, then delaying tactics to cause a row around the election will never, ever benefit our future generation.


Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

Margaret Thatcher House

Mill Street
