PARISH COUNCIL: The meeting began with an open discussion regarding child behaviour in the parish. PC Iddon was present and informed councillors that when possible officers would patrol the area.

Flood Alleviation: It was reported that a representative from the Environment Agency was visiting residents to discuss proposed plans.

Fish and Anchor Bank: Tender documents have been issued. Notification had been received from Worcestershire County Council that it was hoped the work would be carried out in February/ April 2005.

Blakes Hill: Part of the Pebworth Road has been resurfaced and it is hoped the remainder will be done later in the year.

Bus Shelter (crossroads): Documents received from Worcestershire County Council have now been signed in connection with the proposed new shelter.

Parish Lengthsman: The lengthsman is now working in the parish. Councillors agreed that this is proving beneficial to the village.

Play Area (Manor Road): Documents are being prepared to ensure this area remains available for open space recreation.

Littleton Village Hall: Documents are being prepared to transfer the trusteeship to the parish council.