TWO events highlighting the benefits of becoming a business intermediary are to be held in Worcester next Tuesday, January 25.

The Chamber of Commerce and Business Link Herefordshire and Worcestershire will introduce its new "Managing Director's Development" initiative at The Pear Tree, in Smite, Worcester.

Anyone with a broad understanding of decision-makers' needs in businesses and organisations is invited along to one of the sessions.

"We are encouraging those people who are considering acting as intermediaries to come along to these events to find out what part they have to play," said Lisa Tubb, head of workforce development for the chamber.

"Learning about the initiative, the available funding and eligibility will equip intermediaries to give comprehensive and impartial advice to their clients - helping them plan and develop personal and business goals.

"We are keen to get the message out to businesses that funding for training is available through the Chamber of Commerce & Business Link.

"And with financial benefits to be had by intermediaries too, it really is an opportunity not to be missed."

For more information, or to book a place on one of the sessions, call 0800 104010.