FAMILY tributes have been paid to an Ipsley businessman who lived life to the full and threw himself with gusto into his many hobbies and interests.

Paul McGahan, 57, of Upper Hall Close, died when his Citroen C5 was in collision with a coach on the A6006 in Leicestershire last Tuesday.

Mr McGahan was married to Wendy and had three children, Rebbeca, 31, Andy, 22, and Pete, 20. The couple had three grandchildren with a fourth on the way.

Son Pete said: "He had so many interests and always wanted to try new things, he lived life to the full and loved sharing his interests with others.

"He had an aura about him, an energy. He loved people and he was always interested in what they had to say to him - encouraging them to talk.

"If any of us had a problem he'd know what good advice to give. When we were young, we didn't appreciate the advice but as we got older we realised just how wise he was."

Daughter Rebbeca said: "He wasn't a typical father or grandfather - he always seemed so young because he was always doing something he enjoyed and wanted to share with others."

The service engineer's father was in the RAF and his family spent many years living in France before moving to Redditch about 47 years ago.

Mr McGahan relished spending time in the kitchen, never afraid to try out different dishes for his family.

Eldest son Andy said: "Dad loved making new dishes for us to try. One thing we'll always remember are his curries - they were so hot but delicious.

"As well as food, he relished his wines and a drink of scotch. Dad and I were the only ones who drank scotch in the house so we'd often sit down and enjoy some together.

"We all had such fantastic times with him."

Mr McGahan was also keen on travelling and he and his wife toured the globe enjoying the sites and different culture.

On his 50th birthday, Mr McGahan treated himself to a Harley Davidson motorcycle, which he adored.

He was a keen photographer, enjoyed making model boats and planes and was an accomplished guitarist.

He was a founder member of early 1960s band The Sideburns - a popular group in Redditch at the time.

Mrs McGahan said: "He was a wonderful, giving man. We shared a unique love which never lessened. He said, although we'd been married for 25 years, we were still on our honeymoon."