THE desperate hunt for a five-month-old hawk which escaped its Studley aviary during the recent gales ended happily after an emotional reunion with its owners.

And Frey, an orphaned Harris hawk, hand-reared by Diane and John Howe, of Allendale Crescent, had been on quite an adventure, being spotted as far away as Batchley in Redditch, it seems.

The Howes received numerous leads following an appeal in last week's Advertiser, including a sighting of Frey on the roof of Aldi in Redditch.

But the clincher came a bit nearer home thanks to two vigilant Studley residents.

Frey was eventually seen on Thursday sitting on a garage in Albury Road by Jonathan Hunt, of Alcester Road, and another resident.

"It sounded quite distressed," said Mr Hunt. "I thought I could hear some chicks we've got nesting in the roof to begin with but I could still hear this constant chirping two hours later and spotted the hawk on the garage behind me.

"A lady had also seen it and said she had read about the missing hawk, so we got the number and just hoped it would stick about long enough."

Mr Howe rushed around in his car and hawk and owner finally reunited.

Mrs Howe said: "I think my husband was quite emotional after all the rushing around. We had loads of calls and a few red herrings, but to finally be reunited with Frey is marvellous.

"He's a friendly bird but very vulnerable because he's so young. He hadn't eaten anything so we got him to a vet."

Mrs Howe added: "It's been an emotional experience for him. He hasn't let go of his glove since we got him back."

As a reward for his efforts, Mrs Howe has organised a day at a falconry centre for Mr Hunt, who was glad to accept.

The Howes are also investigating taking on other injured or neglected birds of prey which readers brought to their attention. Mrs Howe thanked all those who had contacted them.