A FINAL decision on Droitwich Spa's historic Lido must be made before Wychavon District Council sets its annual budget, a civic leader has said.

Town councillor Peter Pinfield (Lab- East) is urging the district council to make up its mind on the fate of the Worcester Road Lido before the budget is agreed next month.

He said at the town council meeting last Monday that if the Lido is re-opened, money to subsidise it must be set aside in the budget, according to a Wychavon agenda, the final decision on the Lido will be made on February 1.

However, town and district councillor, Terry Spencer, (Con-South West) said campaign group Save A Lido Today (SALT) had yet to come forward with the requested information for its proposals, which were due two weeks ago.

SALT is recommending the Lido be re-opened as a swimming pool and seasonal ice rink.

It submitted its business plan at the end of last year, however district councillors have demanded further information about the financial viability of the project.

"We are trying to give SALT an opportunity to expand on its business plan and I am sure that council members will be making contact this week," he said.

"A decision has to be made and that is what we are trying to do."

However, Droitwich mayor, Cllr Anne Taft, said she had spoken to SALT and the questions asked of them required some involved answers.

"They know what Wychavon District Council wants from them and they are working on them now," she added.

Cllr Taft said she was due to meet SALT tomorrow.