SPARKY residents have jumped to the aid of Droitwich's ill-fated matchstick modelling club.

Organiser Terry Hickman says he has been inundated with calls offering donations of money and matches for his new club since a story was published in last week's Advertiser.

The launch of the club was put on the backburner after he was not able to amass enough matches.

However, following a number of generous pledges, Mr Hickman is hoping to hold the club's first session on Thursday, February 3 - just three weeks after the original start date.

"Last Wednesday night, after the story in the paper, I had a call from a Droitwich club wishing to donate a sum of money," said Mr Hickman, of Court Close, Hanbury.

He said he would name the generous club after the donation had been confirmed.

"I have also been called by an 88-year-old who was interested in joining the club. It has been brilliant," he added.

The club is especially for senior citizens and the disabled and sessions will be held at the Heritage Centre every Thursday from then onwards.

The gifted craftsman has even stumped up the cost of hiring the venue out of his own pension

He even hinted that there could still be a celebrity at the grand opening.

However, matches and cash are still needed to help get the club off the ground.

If you can help call Mr Hickman on 01527 821757.