A BROMSGROVE councillor has vowed to help her replacement after being axed from her top education post.

June Longmuir (Con-Bromsgrove South) was the cabinet member for education and lifelong learning on Worcestershire County Council.

But last Thursday she was toppled by a vote of no confidence, which was carried by 29 votes to 23. Ironically, the vote was taken on the day annual league tables highlighted the county's best ever schools performance.

Cllr Longmuir said: "I will be giving my replacement any help I can. We have done really well and I want to make sure we build on the success of the annual report."

Cllr Andy Roberts (Con-Worcester Claines), who has been advising Cllr Longmuir for the last three years, was voted in to replace her.

"I'm left with some very big boots to fill. June's overseen some fantastic work in education in this county over the last four years, poignantly shown by the excellent results in the league tables," said Cllr Roberts.

Cllr Longmuir, who has been a councillor for the last 20 years, said she is now looking forward to a break.