MANY people who had set their hearts on running in this year's London Marathon will have heard before Christmas that they had not been lucky enough to gain a place in the ballot that is held.

There are, however, still a few guaranteed places available through ourselves.

We are actively seeking people prepared to run for us and raise sponsorship money for Leukaemia Care.

Could I use your pages to invite interest from your readers in the last few places we have available? In addition to the guaranteed place in the race, we provide our runners with lots of support that includes nutritional advice, training schedules, a pre-race reception in London and a post race leg massage to help rejuvenate tired legs at the end of the race!

Full details can be obtained by calling us on 0870 774 4266 or by visiting our special marathon web site at Thank you.


National fund-raising manager,

Leukaemia Care,

2 Shrubbery Avenue,

Worcester WR1 1QH