I READ with concern the report that a Bromsgrove town centre bank was having to close its foyer at night due to repeated acts of vandalism over a period of months.

The culprits were not caught or even deterred by patrolling police but it should have been reassuring to read that with the aid of CCTV, they had been identified.

What was beyond belief was that far from being hauled before the court to be dealt with for their crimes, or apparently even having to pay for the damage, the extent of their punishment was for the local police officer to 'have a word with their parents'.

Is it any wonder there seems so little respect for the law and is it not high time our local police, who must be in the running for an award for being able to maintain such a low profile, were actually out and about to do the job for which Council Taxpayers are contributing so much?

Phillip Bannister

Lickey End