THE extremely rare sight of a pine bunting in Worcestershire has raised almost £1,000 for the victims of the Asian tsunami disaster.

The bird, which is native to Asia, was spotted by Gavin Peplow, who helps run Birdline Midlands, an information phone line for birdwatchers, on a farm near Pershore on Saturday, January 15.

Birdwatcher Steve Whitehouse, who helps run the information line, said they and the farmer who owns the land agreed to allow other birdwatchers access to the field for £2 to see the bird, with all money raised going to the victims of the tsunami.


Since then, hundreds of birdwatchers, some from as far as Newcastle and London, have travelled to the site.

Mr Whitehouse said nationally there had only been around 10 recorded sightings of the bird, which is a similar size to a house sparrow.

"It's now got in with its closest relative, the yellowhammer,"he said.

"When the weather starts to get warmer it will be off to the northern pine forests of Siberi,a where it breeds."