DOG owners are being urged to keep their pets under control after a pregnant sheep was savaged so badly by a dog it had to be put down.

West Mercia Police issued the warning following the incident on farmland in Colwall, near Malvern, on Saturday, January 15.

The attack happened during the day-time and the animal was found by the farmer when he was checking his flock at about 5.30pm.

Det Sgt Pete Butcher from Hereford's public service desk said allowing dogs to worry livestock was a criminal offence and a farmer was within his rights to shoot a dog that he finds worrying animals.

"The term worrying can be anything from chasing, causing distress, or actually attacking livestock," he said.

"When walking your dog in the countryside, be aware of livestock and watch your dog.

"We're approaching the lambing season when sheep are more vulnerable to attack and the best action for dog owners would be to keep your dog on a lead, or avoid areas where livestock is grazing."

Last year the Malvern Hills Conservators - which manages the nearby hills - ran a "sheep safe" campaign asking dog owners to keep their pets on leads unless they are certain they will not approach the sheep.

It came after two animals were also savaged by dogs and one had to be put down.

The Conservators has a flock on the hills and is expected to run the campaign again this year.

"Sheep are in lamb at the moment and because they're chased around a lot, even if it doesn't kill the sheep, it can often abort the lambs, so it's doubly important to keep dogs under control," said Ian Rowat, director of the Malvern Hills Conservators.

Anyone with information regarding the incident in Colwall, can call PC Judy Carter at Ledbury police station on 08457 444888 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 01684 891961.