HOUSING stock and repairs are "better than ever and will continue to improve", says Redditch Council Leader David Cartwright.

At a meeting of the full council on Monday, Mr Cartwright said the authority hoped to spend about £8 million in 2005/06 on its housing stock from funds fixed by the Government.

He said in previous years, council tax had to be raised because the budget set by the Government was insufficient to meet the council's needs.

Mr Cartwright added: "We are in a better position than ever and I'm optimistic we will continue to make necessary repairs to houses and continue to improve."

He said the 3.5 per cent increase in the housing revenue account meant more contractors could be employed to carry out repairs, increasing levels of employment in Redditch.

Labour councillor Albert Wharrad said residents were already reaping the benefits of increased housing revenue.

He said: "In all the years I have been on the council I have never known tenants to be so proud of their houses.

"It gives me such a lift when people invite me into their houses to show me their double-glazing or their new kitchen."

He added: "After struggling for years to find money to improve houses, it's a pleasure to walk around the estates."