Regarding Dr Harcup's discoveries at Alice and Melbourne (Malvern Gazette, November 26), we were returning on the 40-hour 'Ghan journey from Alice in 1997, when we stopped off in Melbourne and sat to eat a picnic lunch on the edge of the city's Botanical Gardens, alongside one of the city's wide boulevards, with roads on either side and trams in the centre.

Before long we were joking about how long the 'Malvern bound' trams would take to reach Worcestershire! But we also noticed the distinctive "ping" from each tram's trolley arm as it passed under the overhead power junctions.

Lunch over, we walked away from the roads and deep into the Botanical Gardens; but were surprised to find the "ping" was still with us - everywhere! Searching upwards we discovered the all pervasive asian Mynah birds in the trees imitating the Malvern-bound trams.

Brian & Margaret Stowe, Grange Road, Great Malvern.