A SERVICE in celebration of the life of William James Blackler (85) of Staunton was held in the parish church of St James, on Monday, December 6, conducted by Reverend Canon John Evans. The service was attended by family and neighbours paying their last respects to Jim, as he was affectionately known. Born at the end of the First World War, Jim was brought up in very hard times and spent his early working life in open cast mining. He spent his later years living quietly at his home at Staunton. Interment followed in the churchyard. Our sympathy is extended to his family in their sad loss.

Staunton Parish Church was floodlit and the bells rang out to welcome the large congregation of nearly 200 people of all ages, including the Guides, Brownies, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers to the ever popular service of Carols by Candlelight.

The church had been beautifully decorated by a few of the flower arrangers and the heavily berried holly glistened in the lights. The Advent wreath with three of its five candles lit, the crib and Christmas tree and candles everywhere set the scene for this very special service. As the first carol was being sung, the church took on a warm glow as every hand-held candle was lit one by one and the whole service was conducted by candlelight by Canon Evans and Reverend Penny Hamer.

The lessons were read by Michael Bradbury, Staunton and Corse Scouts and Brownies, Nigel Smith, John Luard, Adrian Brown and Canon Evans and there were many other Christmas readings by various members of the congregation.

The midnight service will be held at Staunton Church tonight (Christmas Eve) at 11.30pm.