AT Redmarley Village Hall annual meeting, Gwyneth Benjamin was proposed chairman, Peter Condon treasurer and Jenny Berrington secretary, with committee members Sylvia Parker, Ann Jones and Susie McKechnie. Representatives: Ann Watkins (parish council), Margaret Whitting (WI), Louise Aston (playgroup) and Brian Claessen (bowls club).

Due to the rising cost of oil, the committee has been forced to impose a surcharge of £1.50 per session during the winter months, only to help towards the cost of heating.

The village hall committee is inviting residents to a party in the venue. Contact numbers for those interested is Jenny on (01531) 650728 or Gwyneth on (01531) 650428.

Redmarley Parish Council reports that the bus shelter has been erected. The cost of the shelter and work on the path has been paid for entirely by grants from Gloucestershire County Council, Forest of Dean Housing and GCC highways.

The parish council has discussed working on a parish plan again, it is not a land use plan but a set of policies and an action plan for the next few years, covering a much wider range of issues such as housing, the local economy and transport. The council hopes to hear from residents if it is something that should be carried out and if they would like to become involved. The district council is awarding grants toward the cost.

The milestone near Lowbands is to be renovated in the near future and the Playley Green milestone at a later date. Listed consent has to be obtained to remove it off site for renovation and then returned. A 90 per cent grant of £485 has been awarded by the district council towards the cost of the work.

The 2005/2006 budget was discussed and a precept of £814 set, which includes donations to the playgroup and churchyard maintenance and a grant towards village hall running costs.

Tonight (Christmas Eve) there is a service of Christmas communion at 11.30pm at Redmarley Parish Church and parish communion will be held at 11am on Sunday.