I AM somewhat puzzled by the actions of Labour's parliamentary candidate, Marc Bayliss, in writing to the Secretary of State for Education with concerns about the re-organisation of schools in Wyre Forest, after Labour's cabinet members on Worcestershire County Council supported the proposals of the Wyre Forest schools review on July 5.

In recent years I worked as a lecturer in the field of education studies in the Wyre Forest area and followed the schools review very closely.

After examining the situation and hearing eloquent representations from parents, governors, school staff and the council's officers, I was persuaded that a two-tier system with three secondary schools was the right structure for the future and this would release a large sum for investment in the schools.

During the course of the review, there was consultation and debate over the merits of two and three-tier education.

The officers of the council did listen to, and heed, the views that were represented.

The proposals that have emerged from the review are a product of compromise and engagement with local schools.

The transition in 2007/8 will require very sensitive management and local political leaders in all parties should work towards this for the interests of the children and their teachers.

Every school will be affected.

I feel it is highly irresponsible for politicians such as Marc Bayliss and others, to keep raking up this review after decisions have been made by democratically elected councillors.

This raking only creates damaging uncertainty for our schools and is only really generated for cheap political points.

If the uncertainty continues then our valued teachers will be looking elsewhere for secure careers.

The review has ended and must now be administered.

As a long-standing Labour supporter and as a parent with children in Wyre Forest schools, I will be writing to Charles Clarke commending the proposals of the schools review.


Gardeners Close
