THE problem of young people sleeping rough in Wyre Forest is being targeted by a new scheme which asks district residents to provide shelter to the homeless for the night.

National charity, Nightstop, is looking to set up a branch in Wyre Forest to help homeless young people aged 16 to 25.

Organisers are first looking for hosts to provide an overnight bed, a meal, washing facilities and breakfast.

Co-ordinator, Sally Perks, said there was a clear need for the service in the district. A survey carried out September and October, 2003 found 45 young people in need of shelter, she said.

"We aim to eliminate the immediate dangers surrounding homelessness, prevent the downward spiral of youth offending and anti-social behaviour, and resolve the young person's housing issues in the future," she added.

"Without hosts, Nightstop has no future and many young people will be faced with the prospect of rough sleeping. Nightstop desperately need to prevent this from happening."

Hosts did not need special qualifications and would be given training, she said.

"Hosts are kind and understanding people who open both their homes and their hearts to help a young person for the night. All you need is to be a person that cares about the young people in our local community."

The service was also looking for volunteers to help out with fund raising, she said, and for donations of toiletries and clothes.

There are now almost 50 Nightstop schemes throughout the UK. The Nightstop in Redditch has been running for seven years and helps more than 100 people a year.

For more information, contact Sally Perks on 01562 827104.