YOUR recent headline "Churchill wouldn't approve of EU Flag" made me reflect that the great man probably wouldn't have been in favour of the EU, either.

He may have approved of a "United Europe" if it was administered and controlled by the UK, which I believe he meant when he suggested it in one of his speeches.

Ms Daphne Hawes is a little naive if she thinks the EU was formed to prevent further conflict between European Nations.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It is all about money and control by unelected Belgian businessmen who will install a police force which will not be subject to the laws that they themselves will force on us.

They cannot not be taken to task - they will be a law unto themselves. And if we give in and agree to having the euro instead of our pound we shall be giving away our sovereignty for ever. Any country that gives away its currency is finished.


Upton Snodsbury.