WHAT is wrong with some people?

Now we have shops banning Santa and schools banning Nativity play. Has the world gone completely mad?

All this because some politically-correct individual thinks it may offend non-Christians (Muslims).

Tell me, has anybody actually thought to ask any Muslims whether they object?

Has anybody thought to ask our city mayor if he objects? The answer sadly is probably not.

The sad truth is that these PC nutters neither know nor care to learn about Islam.

It is a religion that teaches love, respect and understanding of other beliefs, and the wisdom to accept that their beliefs are not universally held.

It is sad that in their ignorance and arrogance these people do more harm to race relations than any good they achieve.

Their rhetoric only serves to highlight our difference and provide propaganda to that small (thankfully) minority of racist thugs.

We should accept and revel in our differences and only change what all sides deem to be offensive or racially hurtful.


Dines Green,
