IN your editorial (November 26) you suggest we "need to grow up on our attitude to capitalism".

As an economic system capitalism has enriched some people in the world, but has impoverished others. Some of us have a standard of living, a level of education, and a life expectancy that our ancestors could not have imagined. Others are hungry, diseased, short-lived, illiterate and powerless. Both are results of the same system.

We now know this system is not sustainable. Rising population in some parts of the world and excessive consumption in others, are threatening the environment and the future. The "big companies" you refer to are principal and powerful players in this system. Their record in the environment is mixed, to say the least.

So to grow up in our attitude to capitalism would mean supporting policies for social justice, scrutinising vested interest, being vigilant against abuses of power, and applying environmental criteria to production decisions.

Unless we bring capitalism under greater social control the future of all humanity is bleak.

JOHN STALEY, St Ann's Road, Malvern.