CHILDREN at St James' Junior Church took part in a Christmas presentation of the Nativity last Sunday morning with a cast of traditional characters, including Evie Parry as Mary and George Counsel as Joseph. The story was narrated by Claudia Parry, Adam Birch, Joe Lippett, Glen Colton, Kathryn Green, Chris Shuard and James Counsel. Christmas carols were accompanied by Thomas Nichol (piano), Louisa Sandy and Catherine Nichol (violins), Hannah Whittal-Williams and Nicola Sandy (clarinets) and Sally Green (flute).

On Sunday there is no service at Callow End, instead join the carol service at Powick at 6.30pm or Guarlford at 10.30am.

Children of Callow End Primary School held their Christingle service at St James' Church, Callow End last Wednesday.

St James' Church will be open on Thursday, December 23 from 10am till noon for decorating for the Christmas celebrations. Any offers of greenery would be welcome. Coffee and mince pies will be served at 11am.

Junior Church Lazers are fundraising for Cancer Research UK by sponsoring a sermon by Santa Claus at the crib service on Christmas Eve at St James' at 4pm. To sponsor him, ring 830270. After the service, drinks and cakes will be on sale.

A Christmas Carol, an evening of music and song is being held at Callow End Village Hall next Thursday, December 23 at 7.30pm. Admission is free, mince pies and coffee will be served. Come along to this traditional festive occasion where children and adults will sing and play seasonal music, including an appearance by the Powick Handbell Ringers.