I HOPE Will Scott is successful in drawing media attention to some of Worcester's ugly buildings because it's painfully obvious that our democratic institutions are largely powerless to defend us from architectural mediocrity and the over-arching power of the profit motive over our built environment.

Despite the national publicity we received in the 1960s over the "rape of Worcester" it's hard to resist the feeling that there is little we can do to rid ourselves of visual obscenities like Elgar House in front of Shrub Hill station.

Perhaps Will Scott is showing us a route to greater control over the city in which we live - one which bypasses our now discredited local government system and instead uses the increasingly influential mediums of television and the Press.

So while I welcome your suggestion that we all write to Will Scott nominating our most disliked building, I fear too few people will do that and television producers will be insufficiently impressed to base a programme around Worcester.

Perhaps the Evening News or the venerable Berrow's Worcester Journal could become a conduit for civic pride and mount a campaign to help Will Scott choose Worcester's ugliest building?

This would be in the hope that it will form a good basis for a national television programme highlighting what has happened to Worcester since the 1960s and demonstrating what local people can do to challenge the ugliness around them.


Bath Road,
